Cats are funny and curious animals that always remain busy doing something strange and unusual and keep the pet parent concerned. What would you do if you heard a cat meowing in another room? In this case, figure out why does my cat go into another room and meow, and then treat it accordingly.
Typically, cats will go into another room and meow due to their instinct, communication, territorial purposes, feeling ill, or seeking attention.
Read on to get the most basic reasons for a cat’s meowing in another room, the bathroom, and at night, along with safe and simple suggestions.
Why Does My Cat Go into Another Room and Meow?

Your cat is yowling, and she can do this for plenty of reasons. In this case, monitor your cat carefully to discover the exact reason, including before and after yowling. Following are a few potential reasons behind this behavior:
Natural Instinct
Cats are amazingly indifferent pets that evolve the communication skills to interact with a human. Even their interaction process with each other makes it clearer.
Instead of vocalization, cats use scent and body language to express their feelings and requirements. It seems like cats know very well how to survive with humans and their yowling plays a vital role.
Though they don’t speak, cats have the skill to manage humans and their needs, whether it is food, shelter, or human affection. Cats are also domesticated animals, and they know what sounds or levers can manage humans.
So, possibly, cat meow to express their emotions and manage their owners to get the desired things.
Sometimes cat meow to communicate with another cat or, more often, with their owner. So if you hear your cat meowing from another room, perhaps she is calling out to you. Perhaps your pet wants to tell you something, notices something wrong in the room, or perceives some type of danger. However, in a serious case, the cat walks to their owner, yowls, and leads him to the room.
Despite this, if you have another room on the ground floor, your cat may go into the room and meow at the window for the outside cat. She may warn the other cat to get out of her territory and meow loudly to dominate.
In addition, your cat may meow from another room if she catches a bug or a toy and calls you to admire the trophy. Though most of the time cats bring their catches to the owner, some may stay in the area and call the owner to come. A cat can also meow from another room if it gets confused and needs help. You may hear a low-volume meow from your cat if she is going senile or blind.
To figure out whether it is concerning or not, collect the answers to the following questions:
- Does your cat meow in the same room?
- How did she react after noticing you?
- What’s her position and pose?
- Is she meowing while hiding under the bed or in front of the window?
After collecting answers, discuss them with a vet.
Attention Seeking
Wondering why does your cat meow in the corner of the room? Perhaps she is trying to find out where you are right now. Many cats do this, and they create an extremely loud meow that can be heard from anywhere in the house. Even they keep yowling until they get a reply from the desired person.
In addition, your cat may restrict herself to another room and start yowling to call you for a cuddle or play. Your kitty may start meowing louder if she notices you entering the room. She may also rub her face and body against you and flop down to get a pet in the belly.
In this case, don’t upset your cat and give him the attention she desires while maintaining certain boundaries. Remember, if you continuously respond to her yowling, particularly after fulfilling all her needs, she may start taking advantage of you. Instead, teach your pet she’ll only get a reward if she remains quiet and calm.
If your cat feels lonely, she may go into another room and meow to establish contact with you. If so, softly call your cat. A cat can also feel bored or frustrated if she recently moved into the home and used to spend time outside.
They require enough activities and enrichment to maintain their playful and active nature. Hence, providing some toys or installing a cat enclosure in the backyard can help them explore the outside and prevent them from yowling.
Like dogs, cats also find nice echoes in places and yowl to declare their ownership of the place. This way, they warn other cats to back off. So if you have a couple of cats in the house, you may experience these cats’ behaviors regularly or see them fighting, which is also funny and enjoyable.
Stress or Anxiety
Since cats are highly emotional animals, they also get stressed out easily. Most likely, it’s due to the result of having a newborn or many people in the house that disrupt her environment. In this case, the cat may start some bad behaviors, including randomly meowing at nothing. As a result, you may need to take the cat to the vet or move to a new home. Alternatively, providing a calm and loving environment along with plenty of playtimes can also relieve them.
Though cats adjust to new babies, homes, or people eventually, they meow randomly at the initial stage. To help them adjust, you can reduce the time cats interact with babies. Spend enough time with your cat at a time to keep her calm.
Obviously, a cat may yowl due to health problems; however, they can hide their pain very well. So monitor your cat carefully and visit a vet for a full check-up. Your cat can go into another room and meow due to a bladder infection, arthritis, hypertension, or hyperthyroidism.
A cat with a tummy problem can yowl before or after eating due to tummy pain or discomfort. In addition, dementia or other ailments can also encourage your cat to yowl a lot. As a concerned parent, you should investigate the source of the pain as soon as possible in order to treat it before it worsens.
High Blood Pressure
Though it isn’t common, cats show some particular behaviors, including loud meowing in a separate room due to having high blood pressure. However, it is linked with their age instead of kidney diseases. Many cat owners believe that loud vocalizing is a sign of high blood pressure. If so, take your kitty to the vet and inform him about your cat’s behavior and ask him to check the kitty’s blood pressure.
If the blood pressure is normal, there is nothing to worry about. Even you can count the respirations per minute, or how many times your cat takes a breath per minute, and report it to the vet. Apart from that, your vet may rule out other physical causes that encourage your cat to display this unusual behavior and treat her accordingly. And your duty is to monitor her behavioral aspects carefully.
Why Does My Cat Meow at Night When I Go to Bed?

Cats are mysterious animals with unique behaviors. While some cats like to stay outside throughout the night and hunt, others love to sleep. Some cats also wait until their owner gets in bed and turns off the light before starting their behavior.
While some may run across the piano keyboard at night, others may go from room to room and attach anyone under the cover. Apart from their curiosity and exploring instinct at night, some cats may do so due to feeling bored, hungry, or thirsty. Because he or she is scared or confused, your kitten may meow at night when you go to bed.
If your cat feels trapped and gets confused, she may start meowing to call you for help. A cat that has an overactive thyroid or is suffering from anxiety may also meow at night when she notices her owner going to bed.
Why Does My Cat Go into the Bathroom and Meow?

Your cat may exhibit this unusual behavior because you are in the bathroom and she isn’t. It means your cat is on the wrong side of the closed door, and she isn’t happy about it. Typically, closing the door presents a challenge to a cat that doesn’t know how to open it and becomes imperative after discovering the owner on the other side of the door.
As an instinct, cats like to get free access to everywhere they want to go. While some cats feel it is an inalienable right for them, others feel it is an inconvenience. And discovering the owner’s other side feels like they’re breaking the law.
In addition, a cat has a mystical attraction to the bathroom for a large number of unfathomable reasons. Hence, your cat might not tolerate your presence in the bathroom while she is outside.
To avoid being disturbed, you should take the cat wherever you go. You shouldn’t mind it as they can’t talk and many pet parents are used to it.
Another reason could be that cats are extremely territorial, and the bathroom could be considered part of their territory. Once they notice it is closed and you are in, they might go to it to warn you.
1. Why does a cat meow so much all of a sudden at night?
A cat may meow so much at night if they feel bored or lonely. They may also start meowing suddenly if they need to go outside to the toilet or feel hungry. But if your cat cries continuously at night, she may suffer from thyroid or kidney disease.
2. Why does my cat meow when I go upstairs?
Possibly your cat expresses her emotions through meowing and won’t let you go upstairs. It means she is enjoying your company and wants to play with you a little bit more. In addition, you are the center of his world, and she considers you a keeper of her resources, hence, she may stop you from going up the stairs by meowing.
3. Why does a cat wander around the house meowing?
Meows often mean your cat is seeking attention from you and wants to play with you. So instead of scolding her for meowing, spend some time with her. Cat may sometimes meow and yowl around the house due to feeling lonely, as well.
Final Words
You should make the bond with your car stronger to easily understand why does your cat go into another room and meows. Undoubtedly, her meowing volume and eyes will tell you everything that is going on with them or what they require. Throughout the guide, we’ve mentioned some common reasons that encourage a cat to meow from your nearby room. Though most of them are normal, don’t dismiss them if they continue to avoid health problems. After all, they can’t explain!

Hello, this is Frank Swanson, the owner, and operator of Pet Info Hut. I created this website as a way to share my love of pets with the world. I have over 7 years of experience working with animals, and I have a passion for helping people care for their pets. I hope that you find my website useful and informative. Thanks for visiting!